Un documentar foarte bine realizat de Alexandr Sokurov, aici in 19 parti.
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description source - Amazon.
"In the beginning of Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago, a story is told where an expedition at the Kolyma River discovers a fish that has been perfectly preserved in the ice lens for thousands of years. The peasants broke open the ice and devoured the fish on the spot.
In "Dialogues" Russian filmmaker Alexander Sokurov dutifully preserves Solzhenitsyn on film for generations to come. A slight diffused focused image runs throughout the four part documentary, and many moments (some more magical than others) keep the camera rolling, framed on the author just relaxing, contemplating, and in repose for minutes. It's almost as if Sokurov is in a state of wonder, basking in the notion that here is a Russian great, still alive, and we, in our great fortune, are able to give him proper due.
Sokurov is committed to promoting the legacy and continuum of Russian writers, filmmakers, and artists. He has made films about Rostropovich, Tarkovsky, Dostoyevsky, and the Hermitage.
The film begins with a short documentary (using still photographs) of Solzhenitsyn's life, going through wartime, imprisonment and exile, bout with cancer, exile in Vermont USA, and then back to Russia. The first interview is symbolic and the most magical, as filmmaker and writer walk through the woods on a path, sitting on one bench after another. We get the sense that with each stop and ensuing conversation, he is revealing another layer to Sokurov, and finally, instead of following the path to the end, they opt for an alternate route. The author's wife Natalia Svetlova is also interviewed in their home.
Topics include the review process by which the Solzhenitsyn's provide aid for former wartime prisoners; vocabulary; syntax; war; God; religion; the involvement of Wall Street in the Bolshevik Revolution; the role of the artist; realism in art; the creative process; Solzhenitsyn's 10-volume novel, the Red Wheel; Chekov; the author Andrei Platonov; cruelty; suffering as an enrichment of the soul; technological progress vs. the enrichment of one's soul; and of course, the meaning of life.
It's obvious that Sokurov has not reached the level of understanding his subject has. Some of the questions Sokurov introduces seem less professional and more a schoolboy's eager anticipation to find out what his hero thinks. That's okay. This isn't an interview; it's a dialogue. And the filmmaker should be commended on his willingness to reveal his shortcomings onscreen. How else can one learn?
Though I'm sure it's not intentional, Sokurov sometimes came off a bit surly when he tries over and over again to *lead* Solzhenitsyn in his direction of thinking. The latter, being gracious, let's it go most of the time with a "it's wrong" or "no." Other times, it's almost comical when both men refuse to let up and talk over each other. Sokurov comes off pessimistic (even mopey) in most of his statements, while Solzhenitsyn, who has been through much more suffering and horrible times, seems wise and enlightened. When Sokurov frets on about the existence of extreme cruelty among humankind, Solzhenitsyn advises "it's only human to want to achieve success and have a career...people who did not understand their acts, we don't always have the right to bear judgement on others's acts. Don't look at it as cruelty...it's gives one a flat picture."
What breathtaking humanity!"
2 comentarii:
filmarea este de exceptie. intervievatorul pe alocuri frizeaza penibilul. iar din ce am vazut aici despre Soljenitin nivelul lui artistic ii depaseste cu mult profunzimea.
un singur exemplu, la intrebarea legata de varsta sufletului, la care meditatia, expresiile prin care a trecut au fost da - fabuloase, raspunsul la care nu ajunge este de fapt relativ usor accesibil. varsta sufletului - intrucat acesta isi desfasoara existenta in alte coordonate decat corpul fizic - nu poate fi pusa in relatie cu varsta corpului fizic. asta pe de o parte. iar pe de alta parte... one cannot know his spirit-age unless he did break the boundaries of natural human knowledge.
Da, ai dreptate, tipul care-l intervieveaza pare uneori ridicol, dar l-am iertat pentru ca era pur si simplu coplesit de fiinta lui Soljenitin. Voia (si a si reusit uneori) sa surprinda lucruri esentiale, incat se comporta mai degraba de parca ar fi fost intru totul singur cu el decat facand un film.
Cat despre adancimea lui Sj., autenticitatea lui, pana la urma, astea fac tot filmul. Cand am vazut prima oara documentarul, spuneam si unei prietene, a fost ca o gura de oxigen. Am avut senzatia ca in sfarsit vad un Om, adevarat cu e insusi si cu cei din jur, intelept dar punandu-si inca intrebari, umil si demn in acelasi timp, un crestin.
Revad din cand in cand documentarul, nu atat pentru informatia furnizata cat pentru a-l mai privi inca o data pe Sj in autenticitatea sa. Ne lipsesc astfel de modele, altfel.
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